

brut restaurant llubi

Brut restaurant in Llubi, an unexpected surprise.

31.7.2018 When you visit Majorca on holiday or even if you live here, you know for certain that you will find the best beaches that the Mediterranean can offer, along with great people and amazing landscapes. However, just imagine if to this list you can add discovering a local gastronomy which…

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Fabrics from Mallorca ” llengües “

5th March 2016: the typical fabrics from Mallorca are called “llengües” and they are made by artisans as in the past in small majorquian workshops. They have very characteristic prints in bright colors that evoke the sea and an exotic flair. In Mallorca Realtors we like visiting the…

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Sir Richard Branson returns back to Mallorca

13th December 2015: After several years, Sir Richard Branson buys back the Property Son Bunyola, a majestic majorquian Posesion. The fantastic estate is located near the town of Bunyola and will be reconverted into a luxury hotel.

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The Importance of Tax Planning

23th April 2014: Tax increases are impacting most of us in Europe, but the extent to which they affect you often depends on how much attention you pay to tax planning.  It still surprises me sometimes how some people worry about every little fall in their investment returns but fail to consider…

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Majorca in Rusia

27th September 2013: The Spanish television and film producers  Vicente and Carlos Ortí  have made a promotional video of the island of Majorca for the Russian television market. Drawing on the long career which the Ortí brothers have had in the audiovisual sector and the experience of…

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Certificate of energy efficiency as from the 1st June 2013

May 17th 2013: As a property owner, I wish to inform you that as of the 1st June 2013 it is obligatory to have a certificate of energy efficiency. This certificate classifies the property on a scale from A to G according to its energy efficiency and gives advice on how to make improvements, as…

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